Ideal weight: how to achieve and mantain the ideal weight?

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image description Healthy Habits , Nutrition

Calculating our ideal weight is the best method to verify the health condition of our body. A correct weight value assures a healthy life and the maximum functionality of our organs.

How do you calculate your ideal weight?

The ideal weight is a real personal value that puts into consideration different factors, such as: height, sex, body type, age, physical activity, and health conditions.

The ideal weight is calculated by the ratio between weight-height. To calculate it: divide your weight (in kilograms) by your height squared. Such formula identifies the Body Mass Index (BMI) that in normal case goes from 18,5 to 24,9.

Other calculation of ideal weight are based on the sex, age, and wrist circumference. The body types are described as ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph.

What is the importance of knowing one's ideal weight?

The ideal weight defines the best physical value for ones health along with the optimal nutritional state for the body. Learning your ideal weight is fundamental for the prevention of weight related pathologies (diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases). Pertaining to the correct ideal weight is also beneficial to your psychic wellness, it boosts your self-esteem and the capacity to relate with others.

How to achieve the ideal weight?

Reaching your ideal weight will lower your blood pressure, glycemia, and cholesterol levels.  Therefore, healthy nutrition associated with a correct lifestyle is able to prevent the risks of weight gain. However, in most cases, the hardest part is to keep the results. In this delicate phase of the weight loss process, your willpower and personal satisfaction for your goals achieved are fundamental.

Having said that, to conduct n healthy lifestyle all you need is follow the below suggestions:

  • Check your weight from time to time
  • Stick to three meal a day and drink plenty of water (avoiding packaged food and sugar drinks)
  • Avoid skipping meals. Dedicate the correct time to your meal, no rushing through
  • Take up a physical activity

The risks of being overweight

Obesity is one of the main causes of death of the industrialized countries, and sadly to say, it is a growing phenomenon. The data that worries most, is the amount of overweight children, that from early ages shows higher values of their indicated ideal weight. Follow a healthy nutritional plan and checking constantly ones own weight can improve the health conditions of the whole family. Being a good example is of extreme importance to teach and guide your children into following a well balanced diet.

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