Cellulite, women's worst nightmare

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Cellulite: a bitter enemy for every woman. Learn to fight water retention with the Bioimis experts' advice!  

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin imperfection related to fluids retention in the intercellular spaces of the tissues, which causes a significant increase in cell volume and determines the onset of the so called unaesthetic "orange peel syndrome". Linked to the female hormones, cellulite afflicts women, even during their premenstrual phase, suffering from fluid increase in the tissues. 

Cellulite, an issue for many women

The female body is more predisposed to cellulite, offering less protection against the fat cells that penetrate easily in the connective tissue. Women with cellulite often complain about the presence of  turgid skin tissue, sometimes painful, whose nerves are irritated. People often think that cellulite is a problem linked only to being overweight, but the truth is that even a slim body can be affected by water retention. In general, regardless of their body weight, women are the most affected by cellulite and pregnant women easily tend to develop water retention.

Learn the causes to fight cellulite

Genetic, diet, hormonal balance, physical activity and lifestyle contribute to the development of cellulite. Other factors are:

  • heredity 
  • sedentary life style: resulting in a reduction of the process of elimination of metabolic wastes and toxins
  • hormonal unbalance (polycystic ovaries, pregnancy, birth control pills)
  • blood and lymphatic circulation issues
  • smoking and stress: stimulate the cortisol hormone which increases water retention
  • constipation: unexpelled toxins in the intestine get absorbed, intoxicating the body, and overloading the purification systems
  • posture and tight clothing
  • overweight, although cellulite is found on slim people too
  • wrong nutrition

Cellulite fighting diet

The cellulite fighting diet should be well balanced, detoxifying, rich in fruits and vegetables, and free of added salt. Turn to Bioimis to learn all the secrets for a cellulite fighting diet!

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