Effect of dietary proteins on renal physiology

Effect of dietary proteins on renal physiology

One of the most debated issues in dietary science is the effect of dietary protein on renal function. Currently, studies show that the consumption of dietary protein exceeding the recommended daily intake levels is fully managed by the kidneys of people without kidney disease.

Here are the baseline studies:

Due A., Toubro S., Skov AR., Astrup A et al. “Changes in renal function during weight loss induced by high vs low-protein low-fat diets in overweight subjects”. Int J Obes 1999; 23: 1170-1177.

Martin WF, Armstong LE, Rodriguez N. “Dietary protein intake and renal function”. Nutrition & Metabolism 2005; 2: 25.

Poortmans JR, Dellalieux O. “Do regular high protein diets have potential health risks on kidney function in athletes?” Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2000, 10(1):28-38.

Lemon PW. “Is increased dietary protein necessary or beneficial for individuals with a physically active lifestyle?” Nutr Rev 1996, 54(4 Pt 2):S169-75.

Layman DK: Protein quantity and quality at levels above the RDA improves adult weight loss.

J Am Coll Nutr 2004, 23(6 Suppl):631S-636S.

Knight EL, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE, Spiegelman D, Curhan GC: The impact of protein intake on renal function decline in women with normal renal function or mild renal insufficiency. Ann Intern Med 2003, 138(6):460-467.

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