Results and publications

Introduction to the scientific researches

Over the years, the Staff of the Bioimis Research Center, in addition to the analysis and implementation of the results of the studies reported, has worked to verify and learn how foods, and their combinations, act differently on each individual. It has also studied how to relate these concepts with physiological circadian rhythms in order to use the energy reserves correctly without neglecting the contribution of nutrients.

Through this research, we developed the current knowledge that allows us to offer a nutritional program based on an individual’s anthropometric response to the biochemical stimulus induced by food or a combination of several foods.

The choice of the nutritional advice provided to clients is based on this knowledge, which has allowed us to develop a complex system that involves customizing a meal plan built on each individual’s specific needs and on the subjective response to food.

Another key strength of the program is the Bioimis Coaching which leads each person throughout a weight-loss and weight-maintenance journey.

Therefore, after a first phase aimed at weight loss, customers are guided, by specialised personnel, through a journey teaching them how to know themselves and the response of their bodies to food. By doing so, they will be able to manage their food intake in total autonomy, by daily choosing and combining their favourite food correctly, so that this will not have a negative impact on their weight or their health.

The statistical analysis conducted on thousands of customers’ journeys have demonstrated extraordinary effectiveness of the Bioimis Nutritional Program on weight loss, along with all the benefits in terms of health that this entails.

The philosophy of Bioimis is not based on the usual concepts of counting calories and weighing food, and it rejects the consumption of drugs and substitute meals, preferring a biochemical approach to nutrition based on natural food and opening the way for a new era in the world of nutrition.

As of now, in our opinion, Bioimis represents one of the most advanced methods to combat overweight and obesity without having to continuously measure the amount of food intake, reason why it is hard to follow most diets.

Therefore, our goal is to teach a method that allows to acquire and maintain healthy eating habits to follow with ease and without sacrifices. In other words, an effective and definitive solution.

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