Jessica Miacola
My miracle is called Bioimis ... !!!
Read his/her experienceHello, I am Antonio Talarico and thanks to Rossella I learned about the Bioimis Nutritional Program. In 3 months I lost 31 kg... fantastic...
I am 38 years old, and I have spend most of my life trying out diets of all sorts. I got to the point that I started taking drugs to loose the extra weight, but yet with no results.
I was skeptical at first, but with the help of the staff that followed me step by step I can say today that I got to my target, big time!
Not only my weight is now where i wanted it to be, but I have regained self-esteem I had lost over time. For 8 years, I had to take high blood pressure medicine and after ONLY 10 days from the beginning of the program I did not need it anymore.
I am extremely happy, I feel well, and I don't feel the discomforts I once had, which used to prevent me from the daily routine moves.
I am very energetic and I have also solve the sleep apnea issue. Big thanks to the Bioimis Staff. Thanks to the results obtained and my belief, I am helping lots of people to solve the issue of the obesity.
*The success stories presented refer to the persons represented. Length of time and amount of weight loss may vary from person to person based on one's initial weight, individual metabolism, lifestyle, and proper nutrition. The average weight loss of our customers following the Bioimis method can vary from 8 to 22 lbs a month.