The Bioimis Nutritional Program was taken into consideration for a study involving Dr. Luigi Teta during his Masters course in Nutrition Research Methodology at the University of Padua.
Diabetes and obesity are two diseases that are on the increase all over the world, especially in our country, and have a close correlation between them, so much so that the World Health Organization has jointly identified them with the term “diabesity”.
The solutions proposed by the scientific societies specialized in this field are obviously not sufficient to counteract the phenomenon. In fact, it has been shown that diabetic patients followed by Italian diabetology units have a progressive increase in body mass index over time; moreover a study proves that patients hardly follow nutritional indications foreseeing a reduction of their energetic income. On the other hand, more and more frequently, "alternative" nutritional tendencies make their way into the general, "obese" and "overweight" populations, and these trends are often interesting as they are presented through important marketing campaigns promising a quick and easy weight loss. These nutritional programs are often supported by companies that invest important capital both on specialized personnel as well as on supports and technologies to be offered to customers, which the National Health System currently cannot offer its patients.
A group of diabetic and obese patients, evidently not satisfied with the results achieved through the "traditional" ways, spontaneously adhered to one of these nutritional schemes and was followed for a year-long duration.
The results obtained were important in terms of weight loss and reduction of some cardiovascular risk indicators (body mass index, waist circumference); the patients also presented significant improvements in the hematochemical parameters normally used to monitor the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In just two months, in fact, patients averagelly presented a significant reduction in their fasting plasma glucose from 154 to 108 mg/dl and glycated haemoglobin from 57 to 45 mmol/mol.
The purpose of this work is to describe the structure of this nutritional path and to present the results obtained in terms of weight loss, the trend of some cardiovascular risk indicators and some hematochemical parameters indicative of lipid and glucose metabolism.
In conclusion, the results obtained suggest the need and the usefulness to carry out further studies, possibly of an experimental nature, in order to evaluate both the efficacy and safety of a diet that could be a valid support for the management of obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.