Pistachios and diabetes prevention with taste!

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image description In the kitchen , Foods and Properties , Nutrition

Tasty and colorful, pistachios are one of the most famous representatives of dried fruit. Full of excellent nutritional and healing properties and are popular year round fruits. Perhaps not everyone knows that, if consumed regularly, pistachios help to prevent diabetes and not only ...

Pistachios ... how many properties!

Pistachios are rich in:

  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin C
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • manganese
  • potassium
  • copper, which is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and in the functioning of neurotransmitters.

The fruit of prevention

Pistachios are an excellent ally against diabetes of the second type. At the International Congress of Nutrition of Granada it showed that each variety of dried nuts, especially pistachios, plays an important role in reducing the risk of diabetes. The combination of fiber and fat content in pistachios offers help to modulate the blood glucose and helps to maintain or restore the lipid profile in the blood, by intervening in the prevention of cardiovascular problems.

The pistachios are good for the heart

One of the most popular healing properties of pistachio is the beneficial effect for heart problems. According to some research, pistachios would be able to fight bad cholesterol (LDL), thanks to the content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, beta-carotene, vitamin E and lutein. Vitamin E and carotenoids help maintain the integrity of cell membranes of the mucous membranes and skin, while lutein helps eye health. In addition to protecting the heart and lining, this fruit is known to be an excellent source of antioxidants, which prevent the formation of free radicals and protect the body from cellular aging

Cancer prevention

A study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston showed that this dried fruit helps in the prevention of pancreatic cancer, lung and breast cancer. Pistachios should be used to stimulate and strengthen the cells involved in the immune response, accelerating the healing of infections.

Recipes with pistachios, get creative!

In addition to being a delicious delicacy, they are considered the fruit of love because they help and stimulate sexuality. Great for breakfast and snacks, tasty ingredients in the meals, pistachios and, more generally, the nuts should be regularly integrated into the diet. Get advice from Bioimis experts so you will know many, tasty recipes to lose weight and keep ... the taste!

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